Discovering the Eje Cafetero

EJE CAFETERO Last year I had the oportunity to get to know the Eje Cafeterp and today I want to share it with you. The ploaces I visited were Manizales ,Quindio and Honda,Tolima. TRAVEL I traveled from the city of Bucaramanga in a copetran bus with my classmates. The trip lasted approximately 11 hours. the trip was very comfortable because the road was completely paved and the trip felt shorter. WE ARRIEVED The first place we visited was the Santa Rosa del cabal hot springs.T his place has three pools, one sulfur, one mud and one with volcanic properties . It is 20 minutes from Manizales and it is a very clean and quiet place. It is said that some people go to meditate and draw bad energy to these places. The second place we visited was the Manizales cable car, a very cheap means of transport for only 2,000 pesos transports it throughout the...